// Unity built-in shader source. Copyright (c) 2016 Unity Technologies. MIT license (see license.txt)


// Shadowmap helpers.
#if defined( SHADOWS_SCREEN ) && defined( LIGHTMAP_ON )

#define unityShadowCoord float
#define unityShadowCoord2 float2
#define unityShadowCoord3 float3
#define unityShadowCoord4 float4
#define unityShadowCoord4x4 float4x4

half    UnitySampleShadowmap_PCF7x7(float4 coord, float3 receiverPlaneDepthBias);   // Samples the shadowmap based on PCF filtering (7x7 kernel)
half    UnitySampleShadowmap_PCF5x5(float4 coord, float3 receiverPlaneDepthBias);   // Samples the shadowmap based on PCF filtering (5x5 kernel)
half    UnitySampleShadowmap_PCF3x3(float4 coord, float3 receiverPlaneDepthBias);   // Samples the shadowmap based on PCF filtering (3x3 kernel)
float3  UnityGetReceiverPlaneDepthBias(float3 shadowCoord, float biasbiasMultiply); // Receiver plane depth bias

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Spot light shadows
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

#if defined (SHADOWS_DEPTH) && defined (SPOT)

    // declare shadowmap

    // shadow sampling offsets and texel size
    #if defined (SHADOWS_SOFT)
        float4 _ShadowOffsets[4];
        float4 _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize;

inline fixed UnitySampleShadowmap (float4 shadowCoord)
    #if defined (SHADOWS_SOFT)

        half shadow = 1;

        // No hardware comparison sampler (ie some mobile + xbox360) : simple 4 tap PCF
        #if !defined (SHADOWS_NATIVE)
            float3 coord = shadowCoord.xyz / shadowCoord.w;
            float4 shadowVals;
            shadowVals.x = SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_ShadowMapTexture, coord + _ShadowOffsets[0].xy);
            shadowVals.y = SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_ShadowMapTexture, coord + _ShadowOffsets[1].xy);
            shadowVals.z = SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_ShadowMapTexture, coord + _ShadowOffsets[2].xy);
            shadowVals.w = SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_ShadowMapTexture, coord + _ShadowOffsets[3].xy);
            half4 shadows = (shadowVals < coord.zzzz) ? _LightShadowData.rrrr : 1.0f;
            shadow = dot(shadows, 0.25f);
            // Mobile with comparison sampler : 4-tap linear comparison filter
            #if defined(SHADER_API_MOBILE)
                float3 coord = shadowCoord.xyz / shadowCoord.w;
                half4 shadows;
                shadows.x = UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, coord + _ShadowOffsets[0]);
                shadows.y = UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, coord + _ShadowOffsets[1]);
                shadows.z = UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, coord + _ShadowOffsets[2]);
                shadows.w = UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, coord + _ShadowOffsets[3]);
                shadow = dot(shadows, 0.25f);
            // Everything else
                float3 coord = shadowCoord.xyz / shadowCoord.w;
                float3 receiverPlaneDepthBias = UnityGetReceiverPlaneDepthBias(coord, 1.0f);
                shadow = UnitySampleShadowmap_PCF3x3(float4(coord, 1), receiverPlaneDepthBias);
        shadow = lerp(_LightShadowData.r, 1.0f, shadow);
        // 1-tap shadows
        #if defined (SHADOWS_NATIVE)
            half shadow = UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW_PROJ(_ShadowMapTexture, shadowCoord);
            shadow = lerp(_LightShadowData.r, 1.0f, shadow);
            half shadow = SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE_PROJ(_ShadowMapTexture, UNITY_PROJ_COORD(shadowCoord)) < (shadowCoord.z / shadowCoord.w) ? _LightShadowData.r : 1.0;


    return shadow;

#endif // #if defined (SHADOWS_DEPTH) && defined (SPOT)

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Point light shadows
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

#if defined (SHADOWS_CUBE)

    inline float SampleCubeDistance (float3 vec)
        return UnityDecodeCubeShadowDepth(UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE_LOD(_ShadowMapTexture, vec, 0));


inline half UnitySampleShadowmap (float3 vec)
    #if defined(SHADOWS_CUBE_IN_DEPTH_TEX)
        float3 absVec = abs(vec);
        float dominantAxis = max(max(absVec.x, absVec.y), absVec.z); // TODO use max3() instead
        dominantAxis = max(0.00001, dominantAxis - _LightProjectionParams.z); // shadow bias from point light is apllied here.
        dominantAxis *= _LightProjectionParams.w; // bias
        float mydist = -_LightProjectionParams.x + _LightProjectionParams.y/dominantAxis; // project to shadow map clip space [0; 1]

        #if defined(UNITY_REVERSED_Z)
        mydist = 1.0 - mydist; // depth buffers are reversed! Additionally we can move this to CPP code!
        float mydist = length(vec) * _LightPositionRange.w;
        mydist *= _LightProjectionParams.w; // bias

    #if defined (SHADOWS_SOFT)
        float z = 1.0/128.0;
        float4 shadowVals;
        // No hardware comparison sampler (ie some mobile + xbox360) : simple 4 tap PCF
        #if defined (SHADOWS_CUBE_IN_DEPTH_TEX)
            shadowVals.x = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, float4(vec+float3( z, z, z), mydist));
            shadowVals.y = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, float4(vec+float3(-z,-z, z), mydist));
            shadowVals.z = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, float4(vec+float3(-z, z,-z), mydist));
            shadowVals.w = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, float4(vec+float3( z,-z,-z), mydist));
            half shadow = dot(shadowVals, 0.25);
            return lerp(_LightShadowData.r, 1.0, shadow);
            shadowVals.x = SampleCubeDistance (vec+float3( z, z, z));
            shadowVals.y = SampleCubeDistance (vec+float3(-z,-z, z));
            shadowVals.z = SampleCubeDistance (vec+float3(-z, z,-z));
            shadowVals.w = SampleCubeDistance (vec+float3( z,-z,-z));
            half4 shadows = (shadowVals < mydist.xxxx) ? _LightShadowData.rrrr : 1.0f;
            return dot(shadows, 0.25);
        #if defined (SHADOWS_CUBE_IN_DEPTH_TEX)
            half shadow = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, float4(vec, mydist));
            return lerp(_LightShadowData.r, 1.0, shadow);
            half shadowVal = UnityDecodeCubeShadowDepth(UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE(_ShadowMapTexture, vec));
            half shadow = shadowVal < mydist ? _LightShadowData.r : 1.0;
            return shadow;

#endif // #if defined (SHADOWS_CUBE)

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Baked shadows
// ------------------------------------------------------------------


half4 LPPV_SampleProbeOcclusion(float3 worldPos)
    const float transformToLocal = unity_ProbeVolumeParams.y;
    const float texelSizeX = unity_ProbeVolumeParams.z;

    //The SH coefficients textures and probe occlusion are packed into 1 atlas.
    //| ShR | ShG | ShB | Occ |

    float3 position = (transformToLocal == 1.0f) ? mul(unity_ProbeVolumeWorldToObject, float4(worldPos, 1.0)).xyz : worldPos;

    //Get a tex coord between 0 and 1
    float3 texCoord = (position - unity_ProbeVolumeMin.xyz) * unity_ProbeVolumeSizeInv.xyz;

    // Sample fourth texture in the atlas
    // We need to compute proper U coordinate to sample.
    // Clamp the coordinate otherwize we'll have leaking between ShB coefficients and Probe Occlusion(Occ) info
    texCoord.x = max(texCoord.x * 0.25f + 0.75f, 0.75f + 0.5f * texelSizeX);

    return UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX3D_SAMPLER(unity_ProbeVolumeSH, unity_ProbeVolumeSH, texCoord);


// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Used by the forward rendering path
fixed UnitySampleBakedOcclusion (float2 lightmapUV, float3 worldPos)
    #if defined (SHADOWS_SHADOWMASK)
        #if defined(LIGHTMAP_ON)
            fixed4 rawOcclusionMask = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D(unity_ShadowMask, lightmapUV.xy);
            fixed4 rawOcclusionMask = fixed4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
                if (unity_ProbeVolumeParams.x == 1.0)
                    rawOcclusionMask = LPPV_SampleProbeOcclusion(worldPos);
                    rawOcclusionMask = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D(unity_ShadowMask, lightmapUV.xy);
                rawOcclusionMask = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D(unity_ShadowMask, lightmapUV.xy);
        return saturate(dot(rawOcclusionMask, unity_OcclusionMaskSelector));


        //In forward dynamic objects can only get baked occlusion from LPPV, light probe occlusion is done on the CPU by attenuating the light color.
        fixed atten = 1.0f;
            // ...unless we are doing instancing, and the attenuation is packed into SHC array's .w component.
            atten = unity_SHC.w;

            fixed4 rawOcclusionMask = atten.xxxx;
            if (unity_ProbeVolumeParams.x == 1.0)
                rawOcclusionMask = LPPV_SampleProbeOcclusion(worldPos);
            return saturate(dot(rawOcclusionMask, unity_OcclusionMaskSelector));

        return atten;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Used by the deferred rendering path (in the gbuffer pass)
fixed4 UnityGetRawBakedOcclusions(float2 lightmapUV, float3 worldPos)
    #if defined (SHADOWS_SHADOWMASK)
        #if defined(LIGHTMAP_ON)
            return UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D(unity_ShadowMask, lightmapUV.xy);
            half4 probeOcclusion = unity_ProbesOcclusion;

                if (unity_ProbeVolumeParams.x == 1.0)
                    probeOcclusion = LPPV_SampleProbeOcclusion(worldPos);

            return probeOcclusion;
        return fixed4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Used by both the forward and the deferred rendering path
half UnityMixRealtimeAndBakedShadows(half realtimeShadowAttenuation, half bakedShadowAttenuation, half fade)
    // -- Static objects --
    // Distance shadowmask mode = LIGHTMAP_ON + SHADOWS_SHADOWMASK
    // Subtractive mode         = LIGHTMAP_ON + LIGHTMAP_SHADOW_MIXING
    // Pure realtime direct lit = LIGHTMAP_ON

    // Distance shadowmask mode = SHADOWS_SHADOWMASK
    // Pure realtime direct lit = LIGHTMAP_ON

    // Distance shadowmask mode = LIGHTMAP_ON + SHADOWS_SHADOWMASK
    // Pure realtime direct lit = LIGHTMAP_ON

    // -- Dynamic objects --
    // ShadowMask mode          = LIGHTMAP_SHADOW_MIXING
    // Distance shadowmask mode = N/A
    // Subtractive mode         = LIGHTMAP_SHADOW_MIXING (only matter for LPPV. Light probes occlusion being done on CPU)
    // Pure realtime direct lit = N/A

    // Distance shadowmask mode = SHADOWS_SHADOWMASK
    // Pure realtime direct lit = N/A

    #if !defined(SHADOWS_DEPTH) && !defined(SHADOWS_SCREEN) && !defined(SHADOWS_CUBE)
        #if defined(LIGHTMAP_ON) && defined (LIGHTMAP_SHADOW_MIXING) && !defined (SHADOWS_SHADOWMASK)
            //In subtractive mode when there is no shadow we kill the light contribution as direct as been baked in the lightmap.
            return 0.0;
            return bakedShadowAttenuation;

        //no fading nor blending on SM 2.0 because of instruction count limit.
        #if defined(SHADOWS_SHADOWMASK) || defined(LIGHTMAP_SHADOW_MIXING)
            return min(realtimeShadowAttenuation, bakedShadowAttenuation);
            return realtimeShadowAttenuation;

        //Subtractive or shadowmask mode
        realtimeShadowAttenuation = saturate(realtimeShadowAttenuation + fade);
        return min(realtimeShadowAttenuation, bakedShadowAttenuation);

    //In distance shadowmask or realtime shadow fadeout we lerp toward the baked shadows (bakedShadowAttenuation will be 1 if no baked shadows)
    return lerp(realtimeShadowAttenuation, bakedShadowAttenuation, fade);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Shadow fade
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

float UnityComputeShadowFadeDistance(float3 wpos, float z)
    float sphereDist = distance(wpos, unity_ShadowFadeCenterAndType.xyz);
    return lerp(z, sphereDist, unity_ShadowFadeCenterAndType.w);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
half UnityComputeShadowFade(float fadeDist)
    return saturate(fadeDist * _LightShadowData.z + _LightShadowData.w);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Bias
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

* Computes the receiver plane depth bias for the given shadow coord in screen space.
* Inspirations:
*   http://mynameismjp.wordpress.com/2013/09/10/shadow-maps/
*   http://amd-dev.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wordpress/media/2012/10/Isidoro-ShadowMapping.pdf
float3 UnityGetReceiverPlaneDepthBias(float3 shadowCoord, float biasMultiply)
    // Should receiver plane bias be used? This estimates receiver slope using derivatives,
    // and tries to tilt the PCF kernel along it. However, when doing it in screenspace from the depth texture
    // (ie all light in deferred and directional light in both forward and deferred), the derivatives are wrong
    // on edges or intersections of objects, leading to shadow artifacts. Thus it is disabled by default.
    float3 biasUVZ = 0;

    float3 dx = ddx(shadowCoord);
    float3 dy = ddy(shadowCoord);

    biasUVZ.x = dy.y * dx.z - dx.y * dy.z;
    biasUVZ.y = dx.x * dy.z - dy.x * dx.z;
    biasUVZ.xy *= biasMultiply / ((dx.x * dy.y) - (dx.y * dy.x));

    // Static depth biasing to make up for incorrect fractional sampling on the shadow map grid.
    float fractionalSamplingError = dot(_ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.xy, abs(biasUVZ.xy));
    biasUVZ.z = -min(fractionalSamplingError, UNITY_RECEIVER_PLANE_MIN_FRACTIONAL_ERROR);
    #if defined(UNITY_REVERSED_Z)
        biasUVZ.z *= -1;

    return biasUVZ;

* Combines the different components of a shadow coordinate and returns the final coordinate.
* See UnityGetReceiverPlaneDepthBias
float3 UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(float2 baseUV, float2 deltaUV, float depth, float3 receiverPlaneDepthBias)
    float3 uv = float3(baseUV + deltaUV, depth + receiverPlaneDepthBias.z);
    uv.z += dot(deltaUV, receiverPlaneDepthBias.xy);
    return uv;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  PCF Filtering helpers
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

* Assuming a isoceles rectangle triangle of height "triangleHeight" (as drawn below).
* This function return the area of the triangle above the first texel.
* |\      <-- 45 degree slop isosceles rectangle triangle
* | \
* ----    <-- length of this side is "triangleHeight"
* _ _ _ _ <-- texels
float _UnityInternalGetAreaAboveFirstTexelUnderAIsocelesRectangleTriangle(float triangleHeight)
    return triangleHeight - 0.5;

* Assuming a isoceles triangle of 1.5 texels height and 3 texels wide lying on 4 texels.
* This function return the area of the triangle above each of those texels.
*    |    <-- offset from -0.5 to 0.5, 0 meaning triangle is exactly in the center
*   / \   <-- 45 degree slop isosceles triangle (ie tent projected in 2D)
*  /   \
* _ _ _ _ <-- texels
* X Y Z W <-- result indices (in computedArea.xyzw and computedAreaUncut.xyzw)
void _UnityInternalGetAreaPerTexel_3TexelsWideTriangleFilter(float offset, out float4 computedArea, out float4 computedAreaUncut)
    //Compute the exterior areas
    float offset01SquaredHalved = (offset + 0.5) * (offset + 0.5) * 0.5;
    computedAreaUncut.x = computedArea.x = offset01SquaredHalved - offset;
    computedAreaUncut.w = computedArea.w = offset01SquaredHalved;

    //Compute the middle areas
    //For Y : We find the area in Y of as if the left section of the isoceles triangle would
    //intersect the axis between Y and Z (ie where offset = 0).
    computedAreaUncut.y = _UnityInternalGetAreaAboveFirstTexelUnderAIsocelesRectangleTriangle(1.5 - offset);
    //This area is superior to the one we are looking for if (offset < 0) thus we need to
    //subtract the area of the triangle defined by (0,1.5-offset), (0,1.5+offset), (-offset,1.5).
    float clampedOffsetLeft = min(offset,0);
    float areaOfSmallLeftTriangle = clampedOffsetLeft * clampedOffsetLeft;
    computedArea.y = computedAreaUncut.y - areaOfSmallLeftTriangle;

    //We do the same for the Z but with the right part of the isoceles triangle
    computedAreaUncut.z = _UnityInternalGetAreaAboveFirstTexelUnderAIsocelesRectangleTriangle(1.5 + offset);
    float clampedOffsetRight = max(offset,0);
    float areaOfSmallRightTriangle = clampedOffsetRight * clampedOffsetRight;
    computedArea.z = computedAreaUncut.z - areaOfSmallRightTriangle;

 * Assuming a isoceles triangle of 1.5 texels height and 3 texels wide lying on 4 texels.
 * This function return the weight of each texels area relative to the full triangle area.
void _UnityInternalGetWeightPerTexel_3TexelsWideTriangleFilter(float offset, out float4 computedWeight)
    float4 dummy;
    _UnityInternalGetAreaPerTexel_3TexelsWideTriangleFilter(offset, computedWeight, dummy);
    computedWeight *= 0.44444;//0.44 == 1/(the triangle area)

* Assuming a isoceles triangle of 2.5 texel height and 5 texels wide lying on 6 texels.
* This function return the weight of each texels area relative to the full triangle area.
*  /       \
* _ _ _ _ _ _ <-- texels
* 0 1 2 3 4 5 <-- computed area indices (in texelsWeights[])
void _UnityInternalGetWeightPerTexel_5TexelsWideTriangleFilter(float offset, out float3 texelsWeightsA, out float3 texelsWeightsB)
    //See _UnityInternalGetAreaPerTexel_3TexelTriangleFilter for details.
    float4 computedArea_From3texelTriangle;
    float4 computedAreaUncut_From3texelTriangle;
    _UnityInternalGetAreaPerTexel_3TexelsWideTriangleFilter(offset, computedArea_From3texelTriangle, computedAreaUncut_From3texelTriangle);

    //Triangle slop is 45 degree thus we can almost reuse the result of the 3 texel wide computation.
    //the 5 texel wide triangle can be seen as the 3 texel wide one but shifted up by one unit/texel.
    //0.16 is 1/(the triangle area)
    texelsWeightsA.x = 0.16 * (computedArea_From3texelTriangle.x);
    texelsWeightsA.y = 0.16 * (computedAreaUncut_From3texelTriangle.y);
    texelsWeightsA.z = 0.16 * (computedArea_From3texelTriangle.y + 1);
    texelsWeightsB.x = 0.16 * (computedArea_From3texelTriangle.z + 1);
    texelsWeightsB.y = 0.16 * (computedAreaUncut_From3texelTriangle.z);
    texelsWeightsB.z = 0.16 * (computedArea_From3texelTriangle.w);

* Assuming a isoceles triangle of 3.5 texel height and 7 texels wide lying on 8 texels.
* This function return the weight of each texels area relative to the full triangle area.
*  /           \
* _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <-- texels
* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <-- computed area indices (in texelsWeights[])
void _UnityInternalGetWeightPerTexel_7TexelsWideTriangleFilter(float offset, out float4 texelsWeightsA, out float4 texelsWeightsB)
    //See _UnityInternalGetAreaPerTexel_3TexelTriangleFilter for details.
    float4 computedArea_From3texelTriangle;
    float4 computedAreaUncut_From3texelTriangle;
    _UnityInternalGetAreaPerTexel_3TexelsWideTriangleFilter(offset, computedArea_From3texelTriangle, computedAreaUncut_From3texelTriangle);

    //Triangle slop is 45 degree thus we can almost reuse the result of the 3 texel wide computation.
    //the 7 texel wide triangle can be seen as the 3 texel wide one but shifted up by two unit/texel.
    //0.081632 is 1/(the triangle area)
    texelsWeightsA.x = 0.081632 * (computedArea_From3texelTriangle.x);
    texelsWeightsA.y = 0.081632 * (computedAreaUncut_From3texelTriangle.y);
    texelsWeightsA.z = 0.081632 * (computedAreaUncut_From3texelTriangle.y + 1);
    texelsWeightsA.w = 0.081632 * (computedArea_From3texelTriangle.y + 2);
    texelsWeightsB.x = 0.081632 * (computedArea_From3texelTriangle.z + 2);
    texelsWeightsB.y = 0.081632 * (computedAreaUncut_From3texelTriangle.z + 1);
    texelsWeightsB.z = 0.081632 * (computedAreaUncut_From3texelTriangle.z);
    texelsWeightsB.w = 0.081632 * (computedArea_From3texelTriangle.w);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  PCF Filtering
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

* PCF gaussian shadowmap filtering based on a 3x3 kernel (9 taps no PCF hardware support)
half UnitySampleShadowmap_PCF3x3NoHardwareSupport(float4 coord, float3 receiverPlaneDepthBias)
    half shadow = 1;

    // when we don't have hardware PCF sampling, then the above 5x5 optimized PCF really does not work.
    // Fallback to a simple 3x3 sampling with averaged results.
    float2 base_uv = coord.xy;
    float2 ts = _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.xy;
    shadow = 0;
    shadow += UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(-ts.x, -ts.y), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(0, -ts.y), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(ts.x, -ts.y), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(-ts.x, 0), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(0, 0), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(ts.x, 0), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(-ts.x, ts.y), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(0, ts.y), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(ts.x, ts.y), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow /= 9.0;

    return shadow;

* PCF tent shadowmap filtering based on a 3x3 kernel (optimized with 4 taps)
half UnitySampleShadowmap_PCF3x3Tent(float4 coord, float3 receiverPlaneDepthBias)
    half shadow = 1;


    #ifndef SHADOWS_NATIVE
        // when we don't have hardware PCF sampling, fallback to a simple 3x3 sampling with averaged results.
        return UnitySampleShadowmap_PCF3x3NoHardwareSupport(coord, receiverPlaneDepthBias);

    // tent base is 3x3 base thus covering from 9 to 12 texels, thus we need 4 bilinear PCF fetches
    float2 tentCenterInTexelSpace = coord.xy * _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.zw;
    float2 centerOfFetchesInTexelSpace = floor(tentCenterInTexelSpace + 0.5);
    float2 offsetFromTentCenterToCenterOfFetches = tentCenterInTexelSpace - centerOfFetchesInTexelSpace;

    // find the weight of each texel based
    float4 texelsWeightsU, texelsWeightsV;
    _UnityInternalGetWeightPerTexel_3TexelsWideTriangleFilter(offsetFromTentCenterToCenterOfFetches.x, texelsWeightsU);
    _UnityInternalGetWeightPerTexel_3TexelsWideTriangleFilter(offsetFromTentCenterToCenterOfFetches.y, texelsWeightsV);

    // each fetch will cover a group of 2x2 texels, the weight of each group is the sum of the weights of the texels
    float2 fetchesWeightsU = texelsWeightsU.xz + texelsWeightsU.yw;
    float2 fetchesWeightsV = texelsWeightsV.xz + texelsWeightsV.yw;

    // move the PCF bilinear fetches to respect texels weights
    float2 fetchesOffsetsU = texelsWeightsU.yw / fetchesWeightsU.xy + float2(-1.5,0.5);
    float2 fetchesOffsetsV = texelsWeightsV.yw / fetchesWeightsV.xy + float2(-1.5,0.5);
    fetchesOffsetsU *= _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.xx;
    fetchesOffsetsV *= _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.yy;

    // fetch !
    float2 bilinearFetchOrigin = centerOfFetchesInTexelSpace * _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.xy;
    shadow =  fetchesWeightsU.x * fetchesWeightsV.x * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.x, fetchesOffsetsV.x), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.y * fetchesWeightsV.x * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.y, fetchesOffsetsV.x), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.x * fetchesWeightsV.y * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.x, fetchesOffsetsV.y), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.y * fetchesWeightsV.y * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.y, fetchesOffsetsV.y), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));

    return shadow;

* PCF tent shadowmap filtering based on a 5x5 kernel (optimized with 9 taps)
half UnitySampleShadowmap_PCF5x5Tent(float4 coord, float3 receiverPlaneDepthBias)
    half shadow = 1;


    #ifndef SHADOWS_NATIVE
        // when we don't have hardware PCF sampling, fallback to a simple 3x3 sampling with averaged results.
        return UnitySampleShadowmap_PCF3x3NoHardwareSupport(coord, receiverPlaneDepthBias);

    // tent base is 5x5 base thus covering from 25 to 36 texels, thus we need 9 bilinear PCF fetches
    float2 tentCenterInTexelSpace = coord.xy * _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.zw;
    float2 centerOfFetchesInTexelSpace = floor(tentCenterInTexelSpace + 0.5);
    float2 offsetFromTentCenterToCenterOfFetches = tentCenterInTexelSpace - centerOfFetchesInTexelSpace;

    // find the weight of each texel based on the area of a 45 degree slop tent above each of them.
    float3 texelsWeightsU_A, texelsWeightsU_B;
    float3 texelsWeightsV_A, texelsWeightsV_B;
    _UnityInternalGetWeightPerTexel_5TexelsWideTriangleFilter(offsetFromTentCenterToCenterOfFetches.x, texelsWeightsU_A, texelsWeightsU_B);
    _UnityInternalGetWeightPerTexel_5TexelsWideTriangleFilter(offsetFromTentCenterToCenterOfFetches.y, texelsWeightsV_A, texelsWeightsV_B);

    // each fetch will cover a group of 2x2 texels, the weight of each group is the sum of the weights of the texels
    float3 fetchesWeightsU = float3(texelsWeightsU_A.xz, texelsWeightsU_B.y) + float3(texelsWeightsU_A.y, texelsWeightsU_B.xz);
    float3 fetchesWeightsV = float3(texelsWeightsV_A.xz, texelsWeightsV_B.y) + float3(texelsWeightsV_A.y, texelsWeightsV_B.xz);

    // move the PCF bilinear fetches to respect texels weights
    float3 fetchesOffsetsU = float3(texelsWeightsU_A.y, texelsWeightsU_B.xz) / fetchesWeightsU.xyz + float3(-2.5,-0.5,1.5);
    float3 fetchesOffsetsV = float3(texelsWeightsV_A.y, texelsWeightsV_B.xz) / fetchesWeightsV.xyz + float3(-2.5,-0.5,1.5);
    fetchesOffsetsU *= _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.xxx;
    fetchesOffsetsV *= _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.yyy;

    // fetch !
    float2 bilinearFetchOrigin = centerOfFetchesInTexelSpace * _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.xy;
    shadow  = fetchesWeightsU.x * fetchesWeightsV.x * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.x, fetchesOffsetsV.x), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.y * fetchesWeightsV.x * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.y, fetchesOffsetsV.x), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.z * fetchesWeightsV.x * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.z, fetchesOffsetsV.x), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.x * fetchesWeightsV.y * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.x, fetchesOffsetsV.y), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.y * fetchesWeightsV.y * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.y, fetchesOffsetsV.y), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.z * fetchesWeightsV.y * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.z, fetchesOffsetsV.y), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.x * fetchesWeightsV.z * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.x, fetchesOffsetsV.z), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.y * fetchesWeightsV.z * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.y, fetchesOffsetsV.z), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.z * fetchesWeightsV.z * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.z, fetchesOffsetsV.z), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));

    return shadow;

* PCF tent shadowmap filtering based on a 7x7 kernel (optimized with 16 taps)
half UnitySampleShadowmap_PCF7x7Tent(float4 coord, float3 receiverPlaneDepthBias)
    half shadow = 1;


    #ifndef SHADOWS_NATIVE
        // when we don't have hardware PCF sampling, fallback to a simple 3x3 sampling with averaged results.
        return UnitySampleShadowmap_PCF3x3NoHardwareSupport(coord, receiverPlaneDepthBias);

    // tent base is 7x7 base thus covering from 49 to 64 texels, thus we need 16 bilinear PCF fetches
    float2 tentCenterInTexelSpace = coord.xy * _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.zw;
    float2 centerOfFetchesInTexelSpace = floor(tentCenterInTexelSpace + 0.5);
    float2 offsetFromTentCenterToCenterOfFetches = tentCenterInTexelSpace - centerOfFetchesInTexelSpace;

    // find the weight of each texel based on the area of a 45 degree slop tent above each of them.
    float4 texelsWeightsU_A, texelsWeightsU_B;
    float4 texelsWeightsV_A, texelsWeightsV_B;
    _UnityInternalGetWeightPerTexel_7TexelsWideTriangleFilter(offsetFromTentCenterToCenterOfFetches.x, texelsWeightsU_A, texelsWeightsU_B);
    _UnityInternalGetWeightPerTexel_7TexelsWideTriangleFilter(offsetFromTentCenterToCenterOfFetches.y, texelsWeightsV_A, texelsWeightsV_B);

    // each fetch will cover a group of 2x2 texels, the weight of each group is the sum of the weights of the texels
    float4 fetchesWeightsU = float4(texelsWeightsU_A.xz, texelsWeightsU_B.xz) + float4(texelsWeightsU_A.yw, texelsWeightsU_B.yw);
    float4 fetchesWeightsV = float4(texelsWeightsV_A.xz, texelsWeightsV_B.xz) + float4(texelsWeightsV_A.yw, texelsWeightsV_B.yw);

    // move the PCF bilinear fetches to respect texels weights
    float4 fetchesOffsetsU = float4(texelsWeightsU_A.yw, texelsWeightsU_B.yw) / fetchesWeightsU.xyzw + float4(-3.5,-1.5,0.5,2.5);
    float4 fetchesOffsetsV = float4(texelsWeightsV_A.yw, texelsWeightsV_B.yw) / fetchesWeightsV.xyzw + float4(-3.5,-1.5,0.5,2.5);
    fetchesOffsetsU *= _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.xxxx;
    fetchesOffsetsV *= _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.yyyy;

    // fetch !
    float2 bilinearFetchOrigin = centerOfFetchesInTexelSpace * _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.xy;
    shadow  = fetchesWeightsU.x * fetchesWeightsV.x * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.x, fetchesOffsetsV.x), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.y * fetchesWeightsV.x * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.y, fetchesOffsetsV.x), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.z * fetchesWeightsV.x * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.z, fetchesOffsetsV.x), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.w * fetchesWeightsV.x * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.w, fetchesOffsetsV.x), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.x * fetchesWeightsV.y * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.x, fetchesOffsetsV.y), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.y * fetchesWeightsV.y * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.y, fetchesOffsetsV.y), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.z * fetchesWeightsV.y * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.z, fetchesOffsetsV.y), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.w * fetchesWeightsV.y * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.w, fetchesOffsetsV.y), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.x * fetchesWeightsV.z * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.x, fetchesOffsetsV.z), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.y * fetchesWeightsV.z * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.y, fetchesOffsetsV.z), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.z * fetchesWeightsV.z * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.z, fetchesOffsetsV.z), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.w * fetchesWeightsV.z * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.w, fetchesOffsetsV.z), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.x * fetchesWeightsV.w * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.x, fetchesOffsetsV.w), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.y * fetchesWeightsV.w * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.y, fetchesOffsetsV.w), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.z * fetchesWeightsV.w * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.z, fetchesOffsetsV.w), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow += fetchesWeightsU.w * fetchesWeightsV.w * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(bilinearFetchOrigin, float2(fetchesOffsetsU.w, fetchesOffsetsV.w), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));

    return shadow;

* PCF gaussian shadowmap filtering based on a 3x3 kernel (optimized with 4 taps)
* Algorithm: http://the-witness.net/news/2013/09/shadow-mapping-summary-part-1/
* Implementation example: http://mynameismjp.wordpress.com/2013/09/10/shadow-maps/
half UnitySampleShadowmap_PCF3x3Gaussian(float4 coord, float3 receiverPlaneDepthBias)
    half shadow = 1;


    #ifndef SHADOWS_NATIVE
        // when we don't have hardware PCF sampling, fallback to a simple 3x3 sampling with averaged results.
        return UnitySampleShadowmap_PCF3x3NoHardwareSupport(coord, receiverPlaneDepthBias);

    const float2 offset = float2(0.5, 0.5);
    float2 uv = (coord.xy * _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.zw) + offset;
    float2 base_uv = (floor(uv) - offset) * _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.xy;
    float2 st = frac(uv);

    float2 uw = float2(3 - 2 * st.x, 1 + 2 * st.x);
    float2 u = float2((2 - st.x) / uw.x - 1, (st.x) / uw.y + 1);
    u *= _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.x;

    float2 vw = float2(3 - 2 * st.y, 1 + 2 * st.y);
    float2 v = float2((2 - st.y) / vw.x - 1, (st.y) / vw.y + 1);
    v *= _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.y;

    half sum = 0;

    sum += uw[0] * vw[0] * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(u[0], v[0]), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    sum += uw[1] * vw[0] * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(u[1], v[0]), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    sum += uw[0] * vw[1] * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(u[0], v[1]), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    sum += uw[1] * vw[1] * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(u[1], v[1]), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));

    shadow = sum / 16.0f;

    return shadow;

* PCF gaussian shadowmap filtering based on a 5x5 kernel (optimized with 9 taps)
* Algorithm: http://the-witness.net/news/2013/09/shadow-mapping-summary-part-1/
* Implementation example: http://mynameismjp.wordpress.com/2013/09/10/shadow-maps/
half UnitySampleShadowmap_PCF5x5Gaussian>(float4 coord, float3 receiverPlaneDepthBias)
    half shadow = 1;


    #ifndef SHADOWS_NATIVE
        // when we don't have hardware PCF sampling, fallback to a simple 3x3 sampling with averaged results.
        return UnitySampleShadowmap_PCF3x3NoHardwareSupport(coord, receiverPlaneDepthBias);

    const float2 offset = float2(0.5, 0.5);
    float2 uv = (coord.xy * _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.zw) + offset;
    float2 base_uv = (floor(uv) - offset) * _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.xy;
    float2 st = frac(uv);

    float3 uw = float3(4 - 3 * st.x, 7, 1 + 3 * st.x);
    float3 u = float3((3 - 2 * st.x) / uw.x - 2, (3 + st.x) / uw.y, st.x / uw.z + 2);
    u *= _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.x;

    float3 vw = float3(4 - 3 * st.y, 7, 1 + 3 * st.y);
    float3 v = float3((3 - 2 * st.y) / vw.x - 2, (3 + st.y) / vw.y, st.y / vw.z + 2);
    v *= _ShadowMapTexture_TexelSize.y;

    half sum = 0.0f;

    half3 accum = uw * vw.x;
    sum += accum.x * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(u.x, v.x), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    sum += accum.y * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(u.y, v.x), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    sum += accum.z * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(u.z, v.x), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));

    accum = uw * vw.y;
    sum += accum.x *  UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(u.x, v.y), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    sum += accum.y *  UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(u.y, v.y), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    sum += accum.z *  UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(u.z, v.y), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));

    accum = uw * vw.z;
    sum += accum.x * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(u.x, v.z), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    sum += accum.y * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(u.y, v.z), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    sum += accum.z * UNITY_SAMPLE_SHADOW(_ShadowMapTexture, UnityCombineShadowcoordComponents(base_uv, float2(u.z, v.z), coord.z, receiverPlaneDepthBias));
    shadow = sum / 144.0f;


    return shadow;

half UnitySampleShadowmap_PCF3x3(float4 coord, float3 receiverPlaneDepthBias)
    return UnitySampleShadowmap_PCF3x3Tent(coord, receiverPlaneDepthBias);

half UnitySampleShadowmap_PCF5x5(float4 coord, float3 receiverPlaneDepthBias)
    return UnitySampleShadowmap_PCF5x5Tent(coord, receiverPlaneDepthBias);

half UnitySampleShadowmap_PCF7x7(float4 coord, float3 receiverPlaneDepthBias)
    return UnitySampleShadowmap_PCF7x7Tent(coord, receiverPlaneDepthBias);